Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Afterwork Trips and the trouble with ECVs

So on Thursday Kerry and I both finished at 4.45 so we changed and headed straight for a browse around the Boardwalk Resort which is right next to the International Gateway entrance at Epcot. We went to the Swan and Dolphin hotel which is where Kerry worked on the college program before and we said hi to her old colleagues who were lovely. We then met Kim and Mike and got food at the ESPN restaurant before deciding to get the boat to Hollywood Studios to meet Natalie. We went on Tower of Terror and saw Fantasmic. I wish I finished early so i could have more evenings like that but unfortunately us newbies get stuck working till close until we have more seniority.

                                                 Kim, Me, Natalie and Kerry in the middle row

After work Friday Kerry and I headed to Downtown Disney with a load of Merch people hoping to see Ted, however all the showings were sold out and we ended up seeing the new Spiderman film instead, I'm glad we did because it was soooo amazing I loved it, I wish we had seen it in 3D. On Saturday Kerry and I headed to the cinema again to see Ted and met Natalie, Laura and Hannah there. The damn film was sold out again though so we saw Magic Mike. Everyone told us it was rubbish but its about male strippers so i didn't expect any fantastic storyline and I actually really enjoyed it. The main girl could not act and some of it was so bad it was funny but watching Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer strip is good enough for me!

Work has been going well and I'm getting the hang of it now. I still have to ring people or find them to ask questions though. Its good when it's busy in the shops as time goes faster and I like it when you have the chance to talk to guests about their vacations. Answering questions about England can also be hilarious at times. I've also had bad luck with ECVs recently. I was headed to Cart when right infront of me a man crashed down off the kerb and the whole thing went over sideways and he fell out. I was like oh my god what do I do!! So many people came over and helped and some custodial cast where there too who offered first aid. Then when I was on cart again i got chatting to a family for ages and this guest went to get something out of the basket of her ECV and the damn thing sped off and was stuck on and she couldn't stop it! It was heading right for the wall behind the cart so I just grabbed a hold of the back and pulled as I ran with it trying to stop it! So me and ECVs do not mix at the moment!

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